Worked Example

The F-22 Raptor makes a sharp turn

Credits: F-22 Demonstration Team

The mighty F-22 raptor is traveling at its supercruise speed of Mach 1.8 when it turns up at an angle of 7 degrees. The airfoil can be modeled as a symmetrical rhombus with 5 degree half angles as pictured below. Calculate the Mach numbers on surface 1, 2, 3, and 4.



From the figure we come to the conclusion that we will have Prandtl-Meyer expansion fans from the freestream to surface 1, and from surface 1 to surface 2. Using the functions prandtl_meyer_angle_from_mach and prandtl_meyer_mach_from_angle, we can get the Mach number information pretty quickly.

>>> import gas_dynamics as gd
>>> mach_initial = 1.8
>>> angle_init = gd.prandtl_meyer_angle_from_mach(mach_initial)
>>> angle_init
>>> angle_surface_1 = angle_init + 2
>>> mach_surface_1 = gd.prandtl_meyer_mach_from_angle(angle_surface_1)
>>> mach_surface_1
>>> angle_surface_2 = angle_surface_1 + 10
>>> mach_surface_2 = gd.prandtl_meyer_mach_from_angle(angle_surface_2)
>>> mach_surface_2

We can also get the corresponding pressures on these surfaces using pressure_from_mach_ratio

>>> pressure_initial = 1
>>> pressure_surface_1 = gd.pressure_from_mach_ratio(pressure_initial=pressure_initial, mach_initial=mach_initial, mach_final=mach_surface_1)
>>> pressure_surface_1
>>> pressure_surface_2 = gd.pressure_from_mach_ratio(pressure_initial=pressure_surface_1, mach_initial=mach_surface_1, mach_final=mach_surface_2)
>>> pressure_surface_2

For surfaces 3 and 4, we notice that we will first have a shock as the flow is turning into itself, followed by another Prandtl-Meyer expansion from surface 3 to 4. Before proceeding with shock case, lets import the sine function that works in degrees from the “extra” module.

>>> from gas_dynamics.extra import sind
>>> shock_angle = gd.shock_angle(mach=mach_initial, flow_deflection=12)
>>> shock_angle
[46.685991854146, 80.21459032863389]
>>> mach_initial_normal = mach_initial * sind(shock_angle[0])
>>> mach_initial_normal
>>> mach_surface_3_normal = gd.shock_mach(mach_initial_normal)
>>> mach_surface_3_normal
>>> mach_surface_3 = mach_surface_3_normal / sind(shock_angle[0] - 12)
>>> mach_surface_3

We conclude with the final Prandtl-Meyer expansion from surface 3 to 4.

>>> angle_surface_3 = gd.prandtl_meyer_angle_from_mach(mach_surface_3)
>>> angle_surface_4 = angle_surface_3 + 10
>>> mach_4 = gd.prandtl_meyer_mach_from_angle(angle_surface_4)
>>> mach_4